Saturday, November 1, 2008

Another Update from Malawi

It is Friday night here but Saturday morning in Malawi. Kari said the Dedication ceremony was great. There was a children's choir who sang. Kari spoke during the ceremony and said she guessed it went well (according to Verna) but Kari doesn't remember what she said. There were a lot of the ABC students there, some of whom liked the clinic so much they asked if they could be patients there as they toured the facility and tried out some of the furniture. Friday afternoon they were able to visit the Crisis Nursery. One of the babies they met on the last trip was there but is not doing well medically ( I don't remember her name). They also saw a new baby there who only weighs just over 1 lb. When they delivered the blankets made by the women of WACC, the nurses there were very excited to be able to give them to the new mothers. Saturday they will also go to Children on the Nations to see Adidjia once more.

The clinic doctors offered Kari a job running the clinic but thankfully she remembered she still has a family back here. She did say leaving will be very difficult this time. The crew worked well together but they are tired. Verna said (only partially joking) that she wanted a wheelchair when they get back to LAX. They will leave there on Sunday and are scheduled to get back here Monday afternoon.

I know they will have mixed feelings when they return, glad to be home but sad to have left Malawi, possibly for their last time. They've made friends there and established a foundation that will impact many lives. There is so much that needs to be done and can be done if we are willing to get involved. Kari again asked me to convey her thanks for each of you who did get involved; you gave, supported and prayed. She said they felt your support while there. This will probably be my last update. Kari will give you a recap when she returns, probably in an e-mail or in the form of a slide show or DVD. You'll have to ask her for a copy a bit after she comes home.
Thank you

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